Thinking Outside The Box With Clever Storage Ideas!


We all have way too much stuff. Our homes are bulging with everyday items that we seem to keep adding to. Sometimes we need to be ruthless and clear out those cupboards, drawers and attics, but that’s easier said than done. So maybe we need to get clever with storage, think outside the box and create better storage solutions to keep our bits and pieces in place.


DIY Storage Ideas


You don't have to spend a fortune on clever ideas, you can use what you have. It’s often staring you in the face! It’s important to look at what you have around you and see how you could use it to improve your home storage. Dramatically improve your cupboard storage by adding a few easy-to-install solutions. The inside of a cupboard door is wasted space, so why not use it.

We love these simple ideas to improve your storage.



How about installing a plastic tension rod across the cupboard to hang cleaning products on, it creates extra space and helps you find what you want. This idea can also work in the kitchen cupboard by just fitting a rod with meat hooks and bulldog clips, it’s a great way of creating easy-access storage for packet goods.





Some of the best storage solutions are hidden. We all have a lot of stuff that makes our home look cluttered and messy, so why not get creative and see how you could develop areas around your home. A bedroom curtain wardrobe is a great way of making the bedroom look less cluttered, it can hide an array of items that make your room look messy. This is a cost effective solution that can bend into your bedroom décor.

The kitchen is another room that has a lot of everyday items that can look messy. Why not look at using your kitchen storage units to create bespoke areas to house everyday items. We love this simple way of hiding tea and coffee making appliances, once the door is closed it finishes off the room.

Sliding doors can offer an effective way of hiding larger appliances like washing machines and tumble dryers. This is clever, they have managed to tastefully hide these in the hallway without spoiling a beautifully designed home.



Bespoke Solutions

You will always have more options with bespoke storage but before you commission someone make sure you know what you want. If you’re having it made you should think about were it’s going and who it’s for. It’s too easy to just opt for a standard cupboard or a simple shelf. Think outside the box, get creative and design something that works for your home.

Open-box shelving offers endless options and can be used in any room, why not paint them different tones to suit your décor, create a small feature or cover the entire wall. Cubit offers shelving options to fit your space. Why not get something made just for you, we love this Space Ship Shelf, it’s a real statement shelf!


Go for it, with a walk-in wardrobe. We think everyone would love one of these, it’s the ultimate way to store your clothes and shoes. John Lewis of Hungerford design and build tailored walk-in wardrobes, they offer many options to create a truly bespoke room to fit around your home and your wardrobe.


Off-The-Shelf Storage

There are now a lot of clever storage products and furniture available to buy. It could just be a case of choosing the right storage box, tray or basket for the job. So next time you go to buy a plastic box think again, see what’s out there and choose something to suit you.

The Noa & Nani undersink cabinets are affordable and clever, letting you make more of your bathroom as it fits around your sink to provide valuable extra storage. They also have a standalone shoe storage unit that lets you hide away your growing shoe collection.

Children’s bedrooms will always have mess, we love the large Lego boxes from Nubie and the colourful fabric storage baskets

Another good tip is to make your kitchen utensils look stylish, why not use old wooden boxes to create a rustic feel that keeps all your day-to-day cooking items in one place. Baking trays take up a lot of space, so why not group them together in a wicker basket? Not only does this get them out of the cupboard but it also looks good!. You can also use a wicker basket to store kitchen bits and for that extra homely touch why not add a herb plant?.